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I wanted to change design of the site for a while, but I don't have much fantasy, and I wanted to write something of my own, unusual, memorable.

First, I wrote the site with the help of simplecss and html wrote from scratch, sometimes changing something in style.css. Over time, I realized that this was not very convenient and tried to get back to the Hugo I met a long time ago when I made a site with the schedule and homework for my course.

I haven't been fucking hard for a long time, but I decided to give up on him. Yesterday, I tried to update the site using lit.cs. It didn't work well, but I didn't leave the idea that we could do things differently, more comfortable and better. I've decided to give another chance to the static website generators.

At first, my sight fell on the Jekyll I haven't worked with. I almost didn't notice the difference from the hugo. When you start using it, it's almost the same thing, but I didn't like it, and I decided to go back to Hugo. Today, I finally finished and translated all the articles, but it's not a final option. For the theme, I used hugo-xmin, which was slightly changed.
